

Personal Information
We obtain personal information on visitors to our web-site on a strictly voluntary basis and only as it pertains to registration, receipt of orders, and the general use of the site. Those include your name, e-mail, phone number, address, and information about delivery destination. You can of course access the website without revealing such information.


How We Use Your Personal Information.
When you register on our Website, you give us personal information that help us to inform you of about new products, services, special discounts, news, or special events. We will not deliver your information to any third party (unless court ordered). Should you wish to remove your information from our mailing list, please e-mail us at sales@icelandicmarket.com.


Protection of Personal Information
We will only collect such information to the degree necessary in order to conduct our business in a legal and ethical manner. We will therefore make every effort to keep your information secure. By using the website you have accepted our security policies. In the event that you do accept our security policies, we ask you not to use this site. We reserve all rights to change our policies, should it become necessary.


Online Payment Gateway
Korta operates a secure internet payment gateway, where the merchant payment site is connected to the Korta payment server for authorisation and transaction processing.  The Korta online Secure Payment Gateway enables you to process transactions securely over the Internet, which you need to access today's extensive global e-commerce marketplace.
Korta is PCI Certified, which means that the systems and operations are compliant with the extensive security requirements of the PCI Standard (which is short for the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard).

Secure Internet Payments
Secure online payment gateways and sophisticated encryption technology make credit card fraud increasingly difficult.  Fraud-prevention services and features like CVC2 (MasterCard) and CVV2 (Visa) are card verification and validation methods designed to minimize Internet and mail order/telephone order fraud.  These methods allow greater security in processing transactions where the customer's credit card is not present, and they are some of the security measures available that can help you prevent fraudulent credit card purchases and save your business money.
The security measures that are in place in the Korta Secure Payment Gateway, uses encryption and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to protect all merchant and payment information.

The company performs numerous fraud checks to determine common patterns, while allowing merchants to lock out specific credit card numbers and Internet protocol (IP) addresses. Merchants can also create a negative file of high-risk consumers and/or card numbers.

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